Always expect the unexpected!
You don’t know what’s around the next corner.
Image 1
Image 2
In Image 1, if I were to be taking the junction on the right it will be necessary to either stop before committing to turn into the road, or my speed will need to be extremely slow so that i can see there is no one coming around the bend before committing to turn in.
If I happened to be a vehicle travelling from around the bend, i would still see a junction on the bend sign on my approach to the bend, but I would need to consider that there may be either a vehicle wanting to turn into of emerge from the junction. On both accounts I need to be prepared for the possibility.
Just seeing the sign should make me adjust my driving style to suit the current circumstances.
In Image 2 the parked vehicles have caused an unsafe situation. It is 100% on of the reasons why we teach about Safe, Legal and Convenient parking places to avoid such situations happening. From my perspective, it is hard to see around the corner because all the parked vehicles are restricting my line of sight, therefore I will need to proceed with caution. From the perspective of an oncoming vehicle, not only is their line of sight restricted as well, but they will need to pass those parked vehicles on the wrong side of the road. Vehicles trying to pull out from the junction on the left will also find it hard because they too will be pulling out onto the wrong side of the road if they need to turn right.
The same with the word SLOW written on a roads surface, it does not necessarily mean slow down, if it meant slow down it is usually accompanied by a sign that mentions that your should reduce your speed now. What drivers should consider in the least when they see the word SLOW on the road's surface is CAUTION! Caution would be a much more suitable word to use, however, the word caution has too many letters and would need to be smaller in size for it to fit across one lane, so I suppose SLOW works and should have the same effect.
If the word slow is painted on the road it will 99% of the time be accompanied by a warning triangle expressing why you should be cautious.
Junction ahead
Crossroads ahead
Bend ahead
Narrow lane ahead
There is ALWAYS a reason why the word slow is painted on the road, as well as why road signs are placed where they are placed. They are there to give you a heads up that the level of danger on the particular section of road your are on is going to increase, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!